0818 666 999 (Ambulance Control 24 hrs)

(01) 496 6933 (Enquiries/Admin 09:00-17:00)

0818 666 999 (Ambulance Control 24 hrs)

(01) 496 6933 (Enquiries/Admin 09:00-17:00)

Patient Charter

 Our Patient & Client Charter:

What can you expect from us?

  • When booking an ambulance you should expect the call to be recorded for quality and training purposes, and to confirm the required information to complete your booking.  You should expect to be given pertinent instructions relating to your request, an accurate response to any questions you may have concerning the request, its costs, timings or other relevant issues.
  • You should expect to be called back with clarifications or answers to any questions that could not be provided at the time of booking.  You should expect to be kept informed of any unforeseen delays or updates on your request for service.    
  • Our ambulance crews wear prominently displayed identification badges and will be in uniform. They will introduce themselves to you on their arrival and will seek your informed consent before carrying out any transport, examination or treatment and will address any concerns you may have before doing so.
  • You will not be discriminated against on the basis of personal, cultural or religious beliefs, your gender or sexual orientation, family status, disability, age, race, illness or membership of the travelling community.  
  • Your privacy will be respected and you will be treated with the utmost dignity and respect.  Your personal/medical information will be treated in total confidence at all times.
  • The vehicle you travel in will be maintained in a safe, road worthy condition and operated by competent, suitably qualified, nationally registered and Garda Siochána vetted practitioners.
  • The patient compartment will be as comfortable as possible. All equipment will be in working order and cleaned in accordance with the company’s infection control policies and procedures.
  • We will carry personal effects and a friend or relative on board our ambulances, if it is safe and clinically appropriate to do so. 

What do we expect from you?

  • When you make a request for an ambulance, please ensure you provide accurate and honest information and follow any instruction provided to you at the time of booking. Inform the Dispatch Centre of any subsequent changes to the booking or patient’s condition, including an intention to cancel the booking, in a timely manner. 
  • Be ready to travel at the agreed time, and do not unnecessarily delay the crew. This will impact on our ability to provide timely services to our other patients or clients.
  • Let us know how you wish to be addressed – by your family name, given name, title, etc.   
  • As far as you are able, respond honestly to any request for information from our crew about you/your patient’s condition, including medications, past medical history or other pertinent information.
  • Co-operate with any safety requests made by our crews and afford them respect, dignity and courtesy. Never distract the driver. Medicall will not tolerate any aggression shown to our staff. 
  • If you are a hospital, insurance company or other corporate entity, we expect that you deal with us in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect to achieve a high quality patient-centred service.
  • If required, discharge payment within agreed credit terms and make us aware of any queries.     If you are an insured person, provide information on your private health insurance and, where necessary, sign the appropriate insurance forms.
  • We welcome your feedback, positive or negative. It helps us understand what we are doing well and where we need to improve.  Please let our crew know if there is anything they can do to improve your care or experience during your time with us. If you prefer, please contact our General Manager on (01) 4 966 933 during office hours, or by e-mail (info@medicall.ie).  If you make a complaint you can expect a full and speedy response, likewise if you have a positive experience we would like to hear about it and we will let our staff know.

