0818 666 999 (Ambulance Control 24 hrs)

(01) 496 6933 (Enquiries/Admin 09:00-17:00)

0818 666 999 (Ambulance Control 24 hrs)

(01) 496 6933 (Enquiries/Admin 09:00-17:00)

Terms & Conditions

By accessing this website you are indicating an acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

  • All material posted on this site is the property of Medicall Ambulance Ltd. (the Company), or its agents.
  • Any written material provided to students via this website as part of their training remains the copyright of the company and may not be reproduced in part or in whole, or passed to third parties, without the written permission of the Company.
  • Every effort is made to ensure clinical material produced on this website is as accurate and up-to-date as possible at the time of dissemination. However, such material by its nature is time-constrained and no responsibility will attach to the Company should it subsequently be revised or superseded.
  • Links from this website are included in good faith to assist visitors to the site and help students to achieve their training aims. While every effort is made to ensure these links are suitable, accurate in content and appropriate to its aims and purposes, the Company will not be held responsible for such content.
  • Any personal information gathered for the purposes of improving or updating this website (including from cookies) will not be disseminated to third parties except as part of such a process. Any information so used will be de-identified. No information will be sold to third parties.
  • Certain training related information may require to be made available to regulatory bodies from time to time to discharge their statutory functions e.g. PHECC or HIQA.  The Company will demand assurances, in writing, that any such information will be used only for the purposes sought and not subsequently disclosed or disseminated unless di-identified.
  • Students may be contacted from time-to-time by e-mail to advise of changes in responder/practitioner practices or procedures, to advise of upcoming courses, expiry of certifications, etc.
  • You may request to have your e-mail address omitted from such posting if you wish by contacting training@medicall.ie and placing ‘STOP’ in the subject line.
  • We will respect you privacy at all times