0818 666 999 (Ambulance Control 24 hrs)

(01) 496 6933 (Enquiries/Admin 09:00-17:00)

0818 666 999 (Ambulance Control 24 hrs)

(01) 496 6933 (Enquiries/Admin 09:00-17:00)


Welcome to Our Feedback Pages:

We take our Mission Statement very seriously. 

We aim to deliver the ‘the most progressive and efficient ambulance service and emergency medical training to our patients, our client healthcare providers and the general public.  

We will deliver these services as cost-effectively as possible, within an environment where safety, respect and empathy for all those with whom we interact is uppermost.’

We can’t achieve these aims in isolation.  We need you – our patients, their relatives, client healthcare facilities, healthcare professionals and students to help us by letting us know how we’re doing. Why not take one of our surveys?

Your input will form part of our ongoing Quality Management & Improvement Process which will help guide how we deliver our services to you into the future. 

All our on-line surveys are collected using Survey Monkey®.  Any responses you provide to us are totally anonymous.

If you contact us directly by phone, e-mail or post, our dealings with you will be treated in total confidence and not shared except with your explicit approval. 

Thank You

